What Is Underpinning Contract
e.B. other contracts between contracting parties, which also apply) In the Categories dialog page, you can define the categories covered by the support contract. Underlying Contract (UC): A support agreement between the service desk and external vendors. 3.Open the service to which you want to associate the underlying contract. If the type of contract justifies the contract, there are additional fields to identify the supplier and contact information, as well as a link to fields in the Contracts table that may contain the details of the contract with the supplier. You must first create a provider before you create a UCUnderpinning contract. A contract with an external supplier for the provision of services. See Create a provider. Subcontractors used by the third party to perform the obligations set out in this Agreement The date on which the underlying contract is reviewed. If no site, organizational unit, or user is selected, the contract applies to all users in the enterprise (only restrictions on scope of service, asset scope, and category are applied). If sites, organizational units, or users are defined, the contract applies only to specified individuals or people belonging to a specific site or organizational unit. For example, you are an IT service provider and you have end-user customers for whom you provide services.
One of these services can be mobile communication. You may provide these Services yourself or a third party may provide the Services to you and you in turn provide them to the End User Customer. An example of an underlying contract is between you (the IT service provider) and AT&T (the third-party provider) that provides you with mobile communication services. When an end customer needs a new mobile phone, they work with you, the IT service provider, and you in turn with the third party, in this case AT&T. The relationship between you and the third party is called the Basic Agreement. 4.Add the acceptance and completion goals of the underlying contract. See Add goals for accepting and completing a basic contract. Definition: The underlying contract (TOU) is a contract between an IT service provider and a third party. The third-party provider provides support services that enable it to provide a service to a customer.
Therefore, the underlying contracts must be aligned with customer-centric service level agreements. 2.In the incident, click the External Task tab. (Do not click the Task tab, as this applies to internal tasks. Contract justification only works with third-party providers, so you`ll need to use the External Task tab.) At this point, you have created a basic contract between you and a third party. To use the underlying contract, follow these steps: The Companies table contains all service providers and other companies, while the External Users table contains contacts outside your organization. For more information about these background tables, see Company and People Table, Employees and External Users. The contract table is part of a fully functional contract management system and can be used to manage and store any service provider contract. For more information about configuring contract management, see Contracts. ITIL defines an underlying contract as a contract between you (an IT service provider) and a third party. The third-party provider provides goods or services that support the provision of an IT service to your customers. The underlying contract defines the goals and responsibilities that the service provider uses to determine service level objectives and service level packages.
In addition to service levels, the SLA also determines the eligibility and scope of the support contract. Only authorized persons, organizational units or sites may use the agreed service. The scope of the SLA defines exactly which services or assets are covered. The combination of scope and requirements makes it possible to define highly specialized support contracts for almost all customer-supplier constellations. If no category is defined, the contract covers all categories (only asset scope, service, and authorization restrictions are applied). If one or more categories are defined, the contract covers only the specified categories. Operational Level Agreement (OLA): Support contract between internal IT departments (e.B. Network Management and IT Operations).
The Details tab contains most of the fields in the basic agreements. It is very similar to fields for SLAs. It defines the types of requirements covered and the type of agreement (OLA or underlying contract). It contains description and scope fields to define what the agreement will cover. It defines the team that owns the agreement as well as the team that is entrusted with tasks related to the agreement. It also defines the support hours that govern the schedule of tasks related to the agreement. In this form, the general attributes of an SLA/OLA/UC are defined. In addition to the title of the contract, the most important information is the status. .